by Dona Hake
Today I want to encourage your heart in the fact that God desires to touch, bless and pour out His grace on every thing in your life…even the smallest of things. A few months ago we had a guest speaker at our church, and there were two sentences he spoke in the midst of his sermon that really touched my heart.
“He pours out His grace on the little things.
He will breathe on the things your put your hand to.”
Pastor Pradeep Perera
I am going to tell you why such words should bless your heart. You see, the Lord is concerned about every part of our day. He desires to be involved with everything we do. I love the visual I see of the Lord’s breath from heaven being upon the work of my hands, for that breath of His Spirit will give me the needed grace for every task no matter how big or small.
Father, today we ask You to help us be mindful of Your attentiveness to the smallest of details in our life. Remind us by Your Spirit to call upon You for the grace that only comes from You throughout our day. Keep us also mindful to not rely upon our own ability but rather Yours. We believe You to do great things in every detail that concerns us.
…and all whatsoever he shall do shall prosper.”
Psalm 1:2-4
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition