by Dona Hake
Yesterday I shared with you how precious it is to have a heart that is free from the noise of this world. Our hearts must be a place of stillness and quiet that we may hear from our Loving Lord when He desires to speak to us. I mention so often that He is concerned about the smallest of things. Many times people only go to the Lord with things that they are unable to figure out but they save the big things for prayer. I love when the Lord shows up and shows Himself as my provider even in those things that I thought would not be worthy of a prayer.
I can remember a few years ago getting in my car and traveling to an area of town that I was not real familiar with. I needed to go to a particular store to pick up a gift card and honestly I could not figure out how to get to this store. I drove around in circles till I reached a point of frustration and I was ready to forget about it. Then I heard His voice quietly speak to my spirit, “Have you asked me for help yet?” I thought to myself how we can so easily go about our business and forget that He wants to help with all kinds of things. I admitted to Him that I did not ask Him for help and I prayed a simple “Help!!!” prayer, nothing fancy because I had to make a decision because I was in some busy traffic and I needed to proceed. I pulled into a grocery store and I felt to ask a shopper for directions .
I pulled up and there was a woman to my right and another to my left loading their car with groceries. I originally went to ask the one woman and I felt I was supposed to ask the other one instead. You see…I now know that God was directing me to the exact person I was to ask help from. It was just amazing what this woman did. She said, “Pull your car over, wait till I get my groceries loaded in the car and you can follow me and I will lead you right to the store.” She explained that it was
complicated and so many have trouble finding this store. She led me right to the entrance. I purposed to tell her that she was an answer to prayer and she seemed blessed that I shared that with her.
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God’s hand was upon me that day, and He led me to the perfect person for help. I could of missed this blessing by not listening to His still small voice speaking to me about something I perceived to be too trivial to pray about. Lesson learned! I hope this blessed you and I hope you are reminded to include Him in the smallest of details in your day today as you take time to quiet your heart and listen to Him.
“The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me…” Psalm 138:8