by Dona Hake
Today I would like to share with you about how our mouths can get us into trouble. Have you ever made a statement about something or expressed an opinion before thinking it through. After it is spoken, you might say to yourself…”Oh my why did I just say that?” or “Oh my I did not mean for it to come out like that.” Once our words are spoken, it is too late to take those words back. Sadly, if wrong words are spoken and others hear, we may end up offending someone or hurting someone’s feelings. Many times when our souls are troubled, and we lack peace we can end up speaking things that are not edifying and needful to be spoken. I remember hearing once a quote “Just because a thought is in your head does not mean it has to come out of your mouth.” Simple, (funny), and yet profound!
May we tend to our hearts and be all so diligent in the guarding of our words. Understand that our mouth and our tongue must work together to create a word. This scripture I am sharing clearly says guard your mouth and guard your tongue. One without the other cannot cannot work.
Proverbs 21:23 (God’s Word Translation)
Whoever guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.
I just want to share the importance of your soul being kept at total peace. When the soul is not at peace and rest, this is when our minds will work overtime and many times this is when our mouth will get us into trouble. Many times we say things out of frustration, anger, and even to try control a situation. Sometimes it can be the hardest thing to just keep our mouth shut. There is a scripture in Proverbs that I also want to share in light of this devotional. Today may we choose right words that will edify the listeners of our words. May we speak wise words that proceed from God’s wisdom.
Proverbs 21:23 (God’s Word Translation)
The right word spoken at the right time is as beautiful as gold apples in a silver ·bowl setting.
A wise ·warning correction to ·someone who will listen ( a listening ear) is as valuable as gold earrings or fine gold jewelry.