by Dona Hake
I am recalling a day that had extra demands, and my to do list seemed too long. I can tend to be hard on myself and loose my peace if I feel I am not keeping up with things. I was driving my car and I can remember right in the middle of all my anxious thoughts the Lord impressed my heart with something He wanted me to learn. I could not stop thinking about it because it ministered to my heart so deeply, and I wanted to make sure I wrote it down. Since I was driving I had to wait till I had a red light so I could jot it down but the only thing I could find to write on was a napkin. I was happy to write it quickly on the only thing I could find for I did not want these words to slip my memory. Those words were
“Guard the moment in which you are living.”
As I pondered these words I could see that the Lord was admonishing me to guard the peace of my heart that was available to me in which every moment I live. He spoke to me about how I needed to just live by faith in the moment I am presently in, and be careful to guard all that is in each moment He blesses me with. Have you ever found yourself thinking too far ahead, and not enjoying the blessings of the Lord and His presence? How precious it would be if we just took one moment at a time entrusting it all to Him.
How many days do we awaken with our minds burdened with care and worries? Many times we permit our hearts to become anxious over things that have not even happened. Worries many times originate from our fears of the future and the unknown. There is no grace from Him for worrying about the future or trying to figure out how things are going to happen.
Oh how sweet and blessed it would be if we lived in the peace of the moment in which our Lord has so graciously blessed us with. As we live by faith in the confines of the moment we can remain quiet in our souls and hear His sweet whispers and His gentle direction that we need. I love this thought of living in the moment with Jesus.
Today I encourage you to first of all just live one moment at a time, and partake of His grace in everything you put your hand to. Guard your heart with all diligence for from it flows all the issues of this life. There are testimonies in your life that are milestones of His great works…remind yourself of them when you walk through trials. These testimonies serve to encourage our hearts of God’s work and greatness toward us. These are the moments that live on in our memories and serve to remind us that we serve a good God and we have been blessed with a good life. Be blessed as you go about your day treasuring every moment in Him!