by Dona Hake
I was listening to a Christian radio station during some errands that I was running yesterday, I heard the most wonderful story of God’s love and the testimony of His hope for those that seem hopeless. The radio announcer shared that there was a refugee camp for Iraq refugees, and there was a person that was a part of ISIS that disguised himself to be a refugee, and he got into this camp. I am sure his motives and plans were not good.
The wonderful testimony of God’s love was that this young man was so overwhelmed and taken by the love and joy of Jesus that these refugees exhibited that he totally surrendered his heart to the Lord Jesus Christ, and changed his way of thinking which had been that of extreme hatred and everything that ISIS represents. He was so ecstatic of his new found faith and freedom that he could hardly contain himself.
Let us be reminded that God’s love is able to conquer all, it is able to conquer the worst hatred that we can imagine. After hearing this testimony my heart was so blessed, and hope for that which seemed hopeless was birthed in my heart. As I hear the despicable and evil acts of this group, one could think their hearts are hardened and closed. Remember, the love and freedom of Christ is available to anyone. It is there for those that seem hopeless and those that do not seem to deserve it. Really…when you think about it, none of us really deserve the love and mercy of God. At the foot of the cross He sees us all the same. God’s love truly has no limits, and I hope you are rejoicing in this young man’s salvation! Hate and deception could not keep his heart from being touched by the love of God!
Romans 8:39 AMP nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the [unlimited] love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.