by Dona Hake
I can remember reading from a book of Watchman Nee, and he made a statement that I will never forget. He shared how everyone of us have within our souls caverns that have never seen His Light. He called them virgin caverns for they have not yet been opened to God’s light. It is a wonderful thing to know that God will continue to work within us as long as we live and as long as we permit Him to.
Today I also want to look at the places within our souls that we may have neglected or just do not want God touching. Did you ever have something that you may be dealing with and you just do not want to talk about it. Sometimes this may be because you are hoping it will go away or you just do not feel comfortable about it. At some time or other we can probably admit we have all dealt with this.
I want to encourage you today with the fact that God knows everything about you inside and out. He knows all of your fears, your hurt, and all the things that you may be trying to keep under control in your own ability. I read a most interesting prayer by St. Augustine, and I would like to share it with you today. In fact it was my inspiration for this devotional.
“Oh Holy Spirit, descent plentifully into my heart.
Enlighten the dark corners of this neglected
dwelling, and scatter there Thy cheerful beams.”
God commands us to DILIGENTLY guard our hearts and minds, and we well know that He understands the nature of man, and that is that there will always be temptation to back burner or neglect things within our souls that really need attention. I thought of a little analogy to bring this truth home to you. I bet everyone of you have a place in your home whether it be a “junk” drawer or a place in the attic where things just land when you do not know what to do with them. I have a little basket on top of my microwave that is my “whatever” basket. Just tiny things that I do not want to throw away, and that is where they live. Let us remind ourselves that even the littlest of things are very important to God, and He desires that you deal with each and every one with His help.
In light of that thought let us be diligent to bring every thought, problem, habit, ect… to Him and make a decision to not neglect our soul. Today I encourage you to invite God’s light beams of truth to shine on your soul that He is able to show you His wonderful way to deal with every matter. According to Ephesians 1:18, may He flood the eyes of our heart with light that we can know and understand the hope to which we were called!