by Dona Hake
“If you have a
why for your existence, you will have a what and a where
as well.” I can remember when I first heard this spoken, and it really made me think. When we understand why we are here it will always bring purpose to our hearts. When we understand why we are doing what we are doing, we will be able to set goals for our future. Many a hearts are depressed and despondent today simply because they do not understand their purpose in this life.
As a young person before I surrendered my heart to Christ, I can remember feeling an emptiness inside yet I just knew there had to be more. I had friends that talked to me about Jesus, and it seemed to be true but I saw those that supposedly were serving Him, and I saw a lot of hypocrisy. This was such a turnoff to me for I was looking for the real deal, and once I found it I was ready to give my everything to the Lord. April 4, 1973, forty three years ago, I can remember the night I dropped to my knees and gave my heart to Him. For the first time I felt I could see clearly, weights seemed to fall from my heart….finally I knew why I was here, and He began to fulfill my life with new hope, new plans, and a wonderful future! I began to see the difference between the plans I thought were good, and the ones that He had assigned to my life.
Proverbs 19:21 (AMP)
“Many plans are in a man’s mind,
but it is the Lord’s purpose for him that will stand.”
“Many plans are in a man’s mind,
but it is the Lord’s purpose for him that will stand.”
We can all have our own plans but only the Lord’s purposes succeed, and be established. May I encourage you today that if you do not understand your purpose in this life to just simply ask Him. He loves you where you are at, and He has a plan for your life! Each day is a day of fresh beginnings, and His mercy and grace are there for us to succeed. May the purposes of the Lord stand and prosper in each one of us!