Friday, March 20, 2020

Devotional 3/20/20
“Consider and Watch Over Your Path”
by Dona Hake
We are on day three of meditating on scriptures relating to the word ~consider~. To consider something is to think carefully before making a decision, contemplate or reflect upon. Let us look at a scripture now as the Psalmist has shared what he did after he considered his ways…
“I considered my ways and turned my
feet to [follow and obey] Your testimonies.”
Psalm 119:59 – Amplified Version

I also enjoyed reading from the Passion Translation how this scripture was worded.
“When I realize that I’m going astray,
I turn back to obey your instructions.”
Psalm 119:59 -The Passion translation
When I read this scripture the Holy Spirit ministered to me that many times people stray, get confused or anxious simply because they are not guarding your heart and purposing to stay in God’s peace.  There will be those days that we simply need to set our face and feet in God’s direction and start fresh. Praise God for His forgiveness and fresh starts!
I know for myself when my mind, heart and soul are full of God‘s peace I am very focused, and in tune with the Holy Spirit. If I am caught up in worry and picking up care it seems that everything seems bigger than what it really is. This is when the devil can easily tempt any one of us to pull away from that which we know to do is right. The devil loves nothing more than to pull a believer away from standing strong in their faith.
May these scriptures be a reminder to us to consider well, and be watchful that we are indeed doing God’s Word that we will be strong and steadfast!
“Consider well and watch carefully the path of your feet,
And all your ways will be steadfast and sure.”
Proverbs 4:26 – Amplified Version