Devotional for Friday, March 17, 2017
“He Gave Us a Different Way Peace”

by Dona Hake
Today I was reminded once again that my peace must be guarded and nothing is worth causing me to lose it. I personally feel that social media is such a tool yet it can be abused by people. I have found myself at times being aggravated by what I read at times but then I have seen so many wonderful things in the world of social media. It is sad though for words can be published that can cause hurt, offense, and misunderstandings. I have learned to wisely “scroll on by” those posts that steer my soul in the wrong direction. Everyday we are all faced with having to deal with situations or individuals that may tempt us to lose our peace whether it be while we are on our jobs, social media, etc…. The Lord told us there would be those days of trials and tribulations, but we have been equipped to deal with all things that we may be faced with.
So this morning I was browsing my Facebook, and there it was again, two different individuals posting disrespectful posts against my President. Ugh. Along with these troubling posts were threads of rude and disrespectful reinforcing comments. One thing I have purposed to do on social media is steer away from discussing politics although there have been times I have. I tried to always use discretion. I feel we need to show respect to those we disagree with and learn how to communicate best we can. Yet sometimes if things are getting out of hand it is our responsibility to keep ourselves guarded. So I did…I made the specific adjustments that these individuals posts will no longer show on my feed. Sometimes simple adjustments do a world of good!!! Was it hard?… not really, because I wanted to do it before and I stopped myself. All along it has been my hope that the individuals would not continue posting such disrespectful things . Sometimes we need to illuminate anything that is tempting our minds to be thinking about other’s opinions especially if they grate against the Word of God.
I walked away from making these adjustments, and great peace flooded my soul. Interesting… isn’t it? For me things like this will usually trouble me for I will wonder if I did the right thing or not. I never want to offend anyone but my desire to please the Lord means more to me than pleasing people. You see the cost of our peace that was so freely given to us was paid with the great price of Jesus shedding His blood for us. Yet included in the cost we may be called upon to just walk away from things and associations so that we can guard that precious peace. Please hear this correctly for I believe with all my heart that we should always seek reconciliation with people but this issue was not a matter of reconciliation. Many would save themselves much grief in this world if they would learn to just walk away from agitations, and choose to hold fast to peace, love and maintain a heart of forgiveness. I began to reflect on what was going on within my soul, and the Lord brought the scripture to my remembrance…
Proverbs 19:11
Good sense and discretion make a man slow to anger, And it is his honor and glory to overlook a transgression or an offense without seeking revenge and harboring resentment.
Today I just want to challenge your heart with thinking about the importance of guarding your peace with all diligence. Be careful what you permit your soul to see and hear. Sometimes we just need to walk away from some things. The Lord directs each of our steps, and I praise Him for His wonderful peace that His Son paid to obtain it for us!