Devotional for Friday, February 17, 2017
“Tenderly He Touches Our Hearts”

by Dona Hake
Yesterday I shared with you about God’s Word being as a mirror to us. When we open the Word of God or we sit and hear our Pastor share God’s Word with us we can be deeply touched and fed if we permit ourselves to be. God desires that we look into His Word expecting us to desire change in our hearts and our minds. Many times that which we see when we look into God’s mirror may not be pleasing but as we purpose to keep our hearts humble our God will mold us and make us into the change that He desires for us. Today I want you to meditate upon the times that God has touched your heart in a special way. Many times He will expose things that we have been ignoring that could be very harmful to our spiritual growth and walk with Him. Nevertheless God will gently tug at our hearts to continue to speak to us.
Today I will share a time in which I had the tiniest splinter in my finger. It was so tiny I could not see it, yet it was tender to the touch. I was handling some wicker baskets in my kitchen and I am sure that is where this little splinter came from. I could not see it with my eyes so I decided to go down to my office where I have this awesome big magnifying glass. Sure enough there was a splinter that I would never been able to see without that magnification. The thought of taking a sterile needle and digging it out made me cringe, yet to leave it there would just cause an even more painful problem. I promptly removed that splinter and even though it was painful, I was so glad it was out.
This reminds me of how many times the Word of God will expose things within us that are ever so tiny. Sometimes there may be things in our hearts that we think are okay to leave alone. He well understands that our problems start as a seed and if let go it will gain momentum and cause us painful consequences. We can choose to leave these little things alone and bear painful consequences or allow Him to deal with them. Sometimes the dealings of getting our hearts right isn’t always the most comfortable, but when it is taken care of, the healing will surely begin.
Hebrews 4: 12 – 13 (PHILLIPS)
” For the Word that God speaks is alive and active;
it cuts more keenly than any two-edged sword:
it strikes through to the place where soul and spirit meet,
to the innermost intimacies of a man’s being: it exposes
the very thoughts and motives of a man’s heart.
No creature has any cover from the sight of God;
everything lies naked and exposed before the
eyes of him with whom we have to do.”
I am so thankful that His Word is able to cut right through to where soul meets spirit and joints meet marrow, and it is quick to judge the inner reflections and attitudes of our heart. No one knows us better than the God that has made us! He loves us so much and desires to lovingly deal with our hearts that we may continue to go forward and grow in Him.