Devotional for Friday, April 14, 2017
“Clinging To Jesus”

by Dona Hake
Today I stop and think about the beautiful spring evening on April 4, 1973. This was the night I dropped to my knees, and my stubborn heart submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. For way too I was living with my heart in bondage and the weight of my sin that I carried. For two years I would pray even though He was not yet my Savior. My prayer…”God, there has to be more to life than this, right?” I will never forget what it felt like to feel that weight be released from my heart and my soul, and my mind was at peace. I praise God for what Jesus did for me at the cross. That evening in April so many years ago, my life was changed forever, and I am ever so thankful and grateful to Him.
Today I just would like to encourage your heart to reflect. May we take time from our busy schedules and just reflect upon what Jesus did on this day called Good Friday. I will be quite honest with you that many times I find my heart troubled as holidays just become times that are overtaken with running here and running there. I think it is a wonderful thing to spend time with family and friends of course, but let us not lose sight of the true meaning of this beautiful holiday we call Easter.
I encourage your heart today and every day to ponder the work that Jesus did on the cross just for you. Thank Him for the forgiveness and cleansing He brought to your heart. Praise Him for His wonderful deeds and praise Him that He has set your heart in a place of freedom! We all have our testimonies for what He has done in our lives. I call upon you to stop and remember them, remember the amazing things that He accomplished when in the natural it looked like it could not happen,and the odds were against you.I leave you with this scripture and I pray you will have a beautiful Easter holiday, and cling to Jesus that gave His life for you!
Psalm 77:11-14 ERV
Lord, I remember what you have done.
I remember the amazing things you did long ago.
I think about those things. I think about them all the time.
God, all that you do is holy. No god is as great as you are.
You are the God who does amazing things.