by Dona Hake
I want to first of all wish all of you a very blessed Thanksgiving Day! Today as you prepare to meet with family and friends I encourage you to be thankful for those around you.
This past Sunday as I was teaching the little ones, I was sharing with them about the holiday Thanksgiving. I began to encourage them to think about what they were thankful for. I went around to each child and ask them what they were thankful for. My heart was touched to hear that almost every one expressed that if was their family. Their little faces were so sweet and confident as they expressed their hearts. I began to share with them about the simple things that can so easily be taken for granted. Food, clothing, warm homes, etc. I went and got a fresh cup of water from the sink and held it up to them and began to share how easy it is to take for granted that we have clean, pure and safe water. I shared that my husband goes into countries around the world, and he has seen that their water is not pure and safe to drink. Their little faces were amazed, and I know it made them think.
I ask you today, for what are you thankful for? Maybe you do not have a big family, and maybe you might not have any family at all. You might consider your family to be those that have been true friends that have encouraged your heart and stood by you through thick and thin. Today and everyday we need to remind ourselves of how blessed we are, and how great our Lord has been to us. I pray that your day will be blessed and enriched as you fellowship with a thankful heart! Let us always be mindful to declare each and every day the wonderful things the Lord has done for us.♥