“Equipped By Our Lord”

by Dona Hake
I want to apologize for not getting a devotional to you yesterday.   I had some things come up, and time did not permit me to create a devotional for you.  Today I want to share about being equipped by our Lord.
Have you ever reached for your car keys when you are ready to leave to go somewhere and you cannot find them?   This is always frustrating to me especially if I have a place that I am to be, and I must leave at a specific time.   I absolutely hate being late, and not keeping my word!  What I am sharing today  is such a spiritual analogy that we can learn from.    Just think about it…your car is sitting out front of your home.   This is what you need to get you where you need to go, yet if you cannot find your keys, it is not moving anywhere.   You cannot take your house key and put it in the ignition for it would not work.   It must be a specific key to cause it to start.   So it is with spiritual things!

Have you ever felt that way spiritually? You feel like you have done all you know to do yet you feel like something is missing or misplaced. Many times it may be one little thing, and we just have to find it.
Today I want to encourage you in the fact that the Lord has given us every thing that we need to do that which He has assigned us to do. Good news isn’t it? No matter what the task, the responsibility, or ministry, God has exactly what we need.    If we seek to make things work by our own ability and our own ways, it is the same as trying to make a wrong key fit.



If you ever feel tempted to be anxious about how you are going to do what you need to do for Him, just think about this wonderful scripture. You see, God enables us to walk in His great power as we trust in Him.    When we trust and rely on His grace, the spirit of timidity will have not place in us.  He has given us the spirit of power, love and a sound mind to do all that He asks. For every door you need to walk through, He has the key to enable us to do so. Trust in Him for He is  able.

Lord, we ask you today to show us all that we need to accomplish Your will.    May we seek You diligently for those specific keys that are connected to Your enabling us to do Your will.   In the face of not knowing what to do, Lord we choose not to receive a spirit of timidity, but rather a spirit of 
power, love and of self discipline.  In Jesus Name! Amen