by Dona Hake
My inspiration for today’s devotional comes from James 1:19 (New English
“Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger…”
As I look at this scripture I not only think about how valuable it is to careful to listen to a person’s words but we need to listen to their heart. Many times we are way too eager to speak words in response to someone making them feel that you did not even listen to them.
Did you ever have times that you have walked away from a conversation and your mind kind of goes on rewind and you think about how you could of said something better. Maybe you could have been a better listener. Maybe you have pondered what you spoke and you realize that you did not speak with wisdom. It is so important that we realize how important and powerful our words are.
In my life I can remember as a child when unkind words were spoken to me. It always amazes me how words have such power to hold you back or create fear in your heart. I had negative things spoken to me even as an adult that hindered me for a long time. It caused me to be lacking in confidence and kept me from stepping out in things the Lord was desiring me to do. I am so thankful that God has helped me break through all those negative words that had me convinced that there were certain things I could not do. I am so thankful for the many times my husband has encouraged me to do things that I never thought I could do. I too am thankful for those family members and godly friends that encouraged me with positive words as well.
When we speak into an individual’s life with encouraging words we may never know how God is using us and causing a break through for them.
Colossians 4:6 (AMP)
” Let your speech at all times be gracious (pleasant and winsome), seasoned [as
it were] with salt, [so that you may never be at a loss] to know how you ought to
answer anyone [who puts a question to you.”
” Let your speech at all times be gracious (pleasant and winsome), seasoned [as
it were] with salt, [so that you may never be at a loss] to know how you ought to
answer anyone [who puts a question to you.”
When we speak we should always be seeking His wisdom that we be kind, edifying and wise, then we can be able to speak or answer everyone the way God wants us to. Let us think about the words that
come out of our mouths in casual conversation. Do your words encourage people’s hearts and lift them up? Sometimes a kind word and smile to a stranger may be the only one they have received in a long time. I think about the importance of seasoning our speech as it were with salt. Salt is an enhancer, but it is also a preservative…something to ponder isn’t it?
come out of our mouths in casual conversation. Do your words encourage people’s hearts and lift them up? Sometimes a kind word and smile to a stranger may be the only one they have received in a long time. I think about the importance of seasoning our speech as it were with salt. Salt is an enhancer, but it is also a preservative…something to ponder isn’t it?
I pray that your words that proceed from your mouth will bless and uplift those around you. I challenge you to really be a good listener, and remember to not only hear words but lean
your ear to the heart of the person speaking. May we make a conscious effort to be building one another up with our words, our actions and our prayers.
your ear to the heart of the person speaking. May we make a conscious effort to be building one another up with our words, our actions and our prayers.