by Dona Hake
There is the old saying “Actions speak louder than words.” Words can be used to build up one’s heart yet words can tear one down, and discourage them. My heart breaks to hear of the bullying that goes on in schools, and sadly it starts at such a young age. Wrong actions many times are proceeding from one that may have a heart that is jealous, envious, or hurt from the past. Regardless of where they originate, hurtful words and actions can cut into the soul. Jesus had something important to say about this, and we have all heard these words spoken many times over…”Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.” I love the Message’s translation because it sums it up simply.
Matthew 7:12 (MSG)
“Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior:
Ask yourself what you want people to do for you,
then grab the initiative and do it for them.”
“Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior:
Ask yourself what you want people to do for you,
then grab the initiative and do it for them.”
I love how this says to “grab the initiative and do it for them.” It is so easy to think about how we feel we should be treated but we must also take hold of the initiative to be thinking about the feelings of others around us? With the help of God’s love, He can show us the needs of people around us. . I think the Lord desires also that we ponder our words before we speak them, and think about how our actions affect the hearer of our words. Think to yourself, “Is this how I would want to be spoken to or is this how I would want someone to act in my presence.”
Lord, we ask for Your help this day to show us the depths of our hearts. Reveal to us how to treat people around us. Help us to speak kind words, and do the works that You desire us to do. We ask that you remind us by Your Holy Spirit to grab the initiative to do unto others as we would want them to do onto us. In Jesus Name we ask this.