Devotional for Monday, June 11, 2018



Devotional for Monday, June 11, 2018



by Dona Hake

Everyday we have choices before us.  It would be interesting to take note of all the choices that we make everyday.  Choices both good and bad bear fruit, and we must always seek His wisdom in our decision making.    Some choices may not be as important such as it may not matter if you choose one  route over another to travel to work but today the route you chose was full of construction, and it made you late.   These types type choices may disrupt your day  but these days will happen.  On the other hand there are choices we may make that could bring us heartache and cause us to bear painful consequences that we must bear the rest of our lives.   It is sad to see an individual’s life completely altered due to one poor choice or decision.

God has given us the choice  to make wise decisions based on His Word and instruction for our lives.

Proverbs 8:10-11   (NIV)

 “Choose my instruction instead of silver,

    knowledge rather than choice gold,

for wisdom is more precious than rubies,

    and nothing you desire can compare with her.”

In this scripture God is showing us that even the jewels that we could ever possess that are incredibly expensive do not measure in value to His instruction, His wisdom and knowledge.  Think about it…NOTHING we could ever desire no matter how wonderful can compare to the worth of His great riches !!   Today may we choose His instruction as we pursue to do His perfect will!