“Deep In My Heart I Say…”

deep in my heart

by Dona Hake


Lamentations 3:24  (CEV)
Deep in my heart I say,
“The Lord is all I need;
I can depend on him!”


Sometimes it really bothers me when I see TV commercials that are presented and they tend to try to bring anxiety fear to the viewer. The purpose of the fear that is laced through such products will cause people to think they have to have what is being sold. Presently there is one commercial and it is relative to financial security. I cringe every time I hear this gentleman speak a particular sentence. He says, “If you are not worried about this, you should be…” I have wondered how many have seen this commercial and their hearts have been tempted to fear and worry because of his words. Words, both good and bad had a tremendous amount of power and we need to be careful what we believe.


I well understand that you cannot stick your head in the sand and pretend as if things are not going bad around me.  But I understand a greater truth and that is the Lord is faithful to me no matter how bad things look to my physical eyes.


Psalm 111:5 (AMP)
“He has given food and provision to those who reverently and

worshipfully fear Him; He will remember His covenant

forever and imprint it [on His mind].”


The Lord God has heart that has promised His children that He will remember His covenant and upon His mind He has imprinted that promise.  Thank Him for His faithfulness and His mighty provision in your life today!  He is so good.

