Psalm 105:4 (AMP)
“Seek, inquire of and for the Lord, and crave Him and
His strength (His might and inflexibility to temptation);
seek and require His face and His presence [continually] evermore.”
His strength (His might and inflexibility to temptation);
seek and require His face and His presence [continually] evermore.”
I find this translation of this scripture very awesome, and it stirs my heart to think about how I seek and crave the Lord, and all that He is. In the natural we can have food cravings. We have all experienced it to the point that you thought you just had to have that particular food. On a humorous note I can remember an I Love Lucy show where Lucy sent Ricky out very late at night, and he came back with ice cream, sardines, and pickles. Lucy was pregnant, and she was desiring weird combinations, but she just had to have it! She mixed them all up, and ate it! Ricky was almost sick to watch her, but that was her craving! Today, I want to stir your thoughts and your heart about your cravings and desires for the things that the Lord wants us to have working in us.
As we ponder the scripture from Psalm 105:4 we too can see that as we truly seek the Lord in prayer, reading, and the hearing of His Word that there is much to be found. Even if you have read a scripture many times over, there is always freshness and newness of life that it can bring to your soul…if you allow it to. I can remember reading an interesting quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, this is what he said,
“No man ever prayed without learning something.”
Today I encourage you to crave Him and His strength. The more we seek Him the more we will find ourselves needing to seek Him more. The more you experience HIS strength and HIS ability, the more you will crave to turn your face to Him and receive all that He is! Remember that all that He is, and all that He does is brand new everyday. He desires to teach you continually and answer all the questions of your heart. Crave Him, step into His presence, and prepare yourself to learn and receive His portion for you today. God is good!
Jeremiah 33:3 (CJB)
“Call out to me,
and I will answer you —
I will tell you great things,
hidden things of which you are unaware.”