by Dona Hake
I had a movie on recently, and I loved this one particular part. This young lady had never ridden a horse before yet she desired to do so. She shared her fear with the young man with her, and he assured her that he totally understood. He said he too at a young age shared that same fear but his Daddy helped him overcome it. He said, “My Daddy sat me on his lap and said courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway!” I just loved this because it was an inspiration of how to face fear with a true heart of courage.
Psalm 27:14
“… Wait for the Lord, and he will come and save you!
Be brave, stouthearted, and courageous. Yes, wait and he will help you.”
Maybe you could testify of a time that fear has gripped your heart and rendered you unable to move forward. How terrible it is to be held back by a fear. Fear has the capability of robbing one’s dreams, but God desires to release you into your dreams. He understands our every fear and the things that intimidate us, yet He promises to help us overcome any fear that would hold us back. His Word says that the righteous will be bold as a lion!
Sometimes in life we just simply have to “saddle up and face our fears” believing that He will give us the courage and strength that we need for that moment and situation. His grace will always be sufficient and complete no matter what!