by Dona Hake
I have been purposing to share along the lines of keeping our hearts quiet especially in prepartion for the holidays that are approaching us. Many times our lives get so jammed packed with things to do, places to go, and “to do” lists a mile long. I can remember once feeling extremely overwhelmed with much to do. There were things that needed accomplished that I felt were no way possible within my means of time and ability. I stood in the front yard with my dog and looked up and was praying about my day. I felt a “whisper” from within that seemed to quiet me and bring fresh perspective to my day. ”Sometimes it’s not as big as it looks.” Have you ever experienced how something seemed to be a mountain of things to do, but once you tackled it, it really wasn’t as big as you thought it to be.
As the Lord spoke to my heart that morning, He was plainly and simply bringing new perspective to face all that had to be done. I held fast to that and honestly I was able to accomplish more than expected because I choose a new “dwelling place” for my thoughts and my soul rested there. Sometimes we just need to be quiet and not allow the noise that goes on in our heads to dictate peace or lack of it. One very famous quote that I love from Ralph Waldo Emerson that applies beautifully…
“Let us be silent that we may hear the whisper of God.”
Today take moments of time and practice just being quiet and allow His peace to sweep over your busy soul. He will calm it with His presence, and His sweet whispers.