by Dona Hake
Have you ever walked away from someone feeling inspired to be a better person? Maybe as you shared your heart you realized that this friend that took a little bit of time to listen was ministering to you just by being there for you. In a world in which our lives seems to be swirling around us with responsibilities, to do lists and daily demands, we can fall short in being observant of those in our lives that have need to be heard. I find it sad that there are people all around us that simply have no one to share their hurting heart with.
Today I want to share with you about being watchful over those around you. I can not help but think about how our loving Heavenly Father is so watchful over us. I am so thankful that He misses not one thing that is going on in my life, yet He is challenging us in His Word to also watch out for one another. Let us look at the book of Hebrews…
“And let us consider and give attentive, continuous care to watching over one another, studying how we may stir up (stimulate and incite) to love and helpful deeds and noble activities…”
Hebrews 10:24 AMP
Hebrews 10:24 AMP
This scripture is plainly exhorting us to give attention and continuous care over each other. To do this, we must be watchful and pay attention. God is not calling us to do thorough examinations of little faults and weaknesses….honestly anyone can do this. Let us not be brought down to such a low level. Let us rise to God’s level of love, and look through His eyes at people in our path. Today I want you to know that there is someone out there that can use an encouraging word but they may not be showing it on the outside.
I cannot help but think how it can be human nature to masterfully cover up our feelings, and not be real. Our pride will deceive us to think that people will think less of us if we tell them how we are really feeling. I thank God for the people in my life that I can truly give an honest answer, and know that they will purpose to build my heart up, and pray for me. May our hearts be challenged today to study people in our midst and be quick to respond to what the Lord is showing us to do or say. He may lead us to share a word of wisdom. He may lead us to only listen. He may lead us to just pray. However He leads, this is how we can be watchful over one another.
So today, look around and observe those that God has put in your life. Seek ways to encourage them and bring out the best in them. Let us pay attention to one another looking for ways to encourage their heart to move forward in their hopes, dreams, and the will of God for their life!