by Dona Hake
It is hard to believe that the blessed celebration of Easter is only weeks away. I think that we should always ponder in our hearts what Jesus did on the cross, but this is a time of the year where we will think more about it and reflect upon that great work. I have been thinking a lot lately about the precious gift of peace that we have been given by the Lord Jesus Christ. It is vitally important that this precious peace be guarded with all diligence. No one can guard your heart for you, only you can do that. A soul that is at rest is a soul that is guarded.
Have you ever seen someone receive a gift, and you can tell they really do not appreciate it as they should or they might not understand it’s value? I believe that many times we can be guilty of forgetting with Jesus did for us. Our hearts can easily forget or take fore-granted the freedom that was purchased for us. As we purpose in our hearts to remember and thank Him each day for the price He paid in His death we will continue to value within us all that was purchased by His blood.
We thank You today Lord for going to the cross. You were punished for us, and the work of Your blood is precious to our hearts. May we be mindful that you were crushed because of our guilt and You took the punishment that we deserved. You brought us the blessed gift of salvation,forgiveness, healing, and and peace that surpasses our human understanding. In Jesus Name, we thank You for that. Amen.
Isaiah 53:5 (EXB)
But he was wounded for ·the wrong we did (our transgressions) ;he was crushed for ·the evil we did (our iniquities.)The punishment, which ·made us well brought us wholeness/peace, was given to him,and we are healed because of his ·wounds lacerations; stripes; .