“Be Patient With Yourself”

patient with myself

by Dona Hake

It is vital that we continue to walk patiently with those we live with and work with.    There is also the whole realm of patiently waiting for circumstances to change in our life, but how many times do you think about being patient with ourselves?


As we pursue to grow in God’s love and in His Word sometimes we focus too much on what we are NOT rather that how far He has brought us.  With any work that needs done in us there needs to be a time of waiting for His loving hand to work.  I guess there are all times we wished He would work a bit faster, but His wisdom encompasses more than we will ever understand. As He works, He promises that the transformation will indeed happen, but remember sometimes we can tend to be impatient in that which we have to wait for.


Be encouraged today that as you are applying yourself to do that which is right and good in His sight that His loving hand is at work in your life.  Guard yourself from focusing on your weaknesses but rather the gifts, the strengths and abilities He has blessed you with.  As we keep our hearts humble and open to Him, He will be faithful to show us the areas in which we need to give  attention.  He leads and guides us into ALL truth in every area of our lives!  God bless you.

