
Be not anxious
by Dona Hake
Philippians 4:6 exhorts us to not be anxious or worried about anything. Today I want to put emphasis on the word ~anything~. I have been sitting here during my prayer time reading this scripture, and this is the word that stands out to me in the scripture. Think about it, Paul is exhorting us to think about ~anything~  within us or  around us that may be causing us anxiety or worry.    Is there ~anything~  troubling your heart today?   The word ~anything~  encompasses the big and the small, and I I am sure Paul understood that the smallest of cares are significant enough to hinder our walk in the Lord.
As I have been meditating on this, it makes me realize the importance of having my mind totally clear and free of any anxious thoughts or worries, for it is then that I can totally think upon my Lord, and experience the peace that only He can bring. The Word tells us  that it is  the little foxes that spoil the vines, and so it is true. Paul goes on to say in Philippians to make our requests known or in other words,  ask God for  ~anything~ and everything you need.
Today, I encourage your heart to think about this, what do you need from God? If you do not know what you need, ask Him to show you. Many times we are sensing within our hearts and in our minds that something is wrong or we feel that we are spiritually void of something.     It is frustrating when we are  having a hard time putting our finger on what the problem is. Know this…God is well able to show you exactly what you need. Many times the small things that hinder us may also be cares that we are not even aware that we are  carrying. The Word exhorts us to cast all our care upon Him for He cares for us. Many times there are things in life that we may have absolutely no control over, and we simply need to take that care and give it to Him as we pray.    It is as we do all these things that we will experience the wonderful peace of our Lord that surpasses our understanding.

Philippians 4:7
And God’s peace, which ·is so great we cannot understand it transcends/surpasses all comprehension, will ·keep guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.