by Dona Hake
“and you shall know the truth, and the truth
shall make you free.”
Praise God that we can live by the truth that we know, and it shall make and keep us free! Today I want to share with you about maintaining a life that is truthful, honest and upright before the Lord and before man. God is looking for hearts that are pure toward Him. One very important key in maintaining a heart that is pure and upright is the heart that is determined to never compromise the truth that has become real to our hearts. It is as we continue to renew our minds to truth that is real to us, we will become transformed by God’s Word.
Romans 12:2 (Easy to Read Translation)”Don’t change yourselves to be like
the people of this world, but let God change you inside with a new way of
thinking. Then you will be able to understand and accept what God wants
for you. You will be able to know what is good and pleasing to him and what
is perfect.”
the people of this world, but let God change you inside with a new way of
thinking. Then you will be able to understand and accept what God wants
for you. You will be able to know what is good and pleasing to him and what
is perfect.”
It is in the heart of God a plan for each of us, and He desires to lead and direct us in it. You may have heard people speak especially young people that they don’t even know who they are let alone know what they are to do with their lives. I can honestly say I felt clueless who I was, and why I was even here on this earth until the day I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. It was not like I had all kinds of answers and direction overnight but I felt like my life had new meaning, purpose and I was free to live like I never lived before. As we open our hearts and minds to truth we will always experience an affirmation in our heart from Him because He is at work, and He is molding us into someone very special for a very special purpose in this life.
The Word of God is the truth on which we build all foundations and live. As believers we should be basing and living our lives on convictions of the truth we know. God shows us how to live and handle those convictions before others. I can guarantee you that our convictions will be challenged and this is when people will really see what we are made of. I can remember the job I worked at as a young believer, and how my attitudes were transformed because I accepted the Lord Jesus. There were many individuals that I worked with that were taken back as I began to exhibit new behavior, and walk in certain convictions. I think the biggest thing I learned even as a young believer that it is absolutely vital that I surrounded myself with good counsel, and do away with friendships that would pull me down. I also valued reading my Bible, praying and believing that the Lord would give me the wisdom in how to handle myself as a believer among those that did not believe.
It is very important that we maintain the strength of our convictions and stand by them. There can and must be no room for compromise. I heard a wise man once say “That what you compromise to keep you will ultimately lose.” Everything we do, every decision we make and every word we speak should proceed from a heart that desires truth and only truth. As we embrace this desire, I believe that in those times in which we are confused or are steering off course that the Spirit of the Lord is well able to speak to our hearts and lead us back onto a straight path. In saying that I will also mention the importance of keeping our heart and mind renewed to staying humble that we can be corrected by the Lord and those in our life that love us.
Lord we thank you this day that Your truth has set us free, and it will keep us free. Remind us by Your loving Spirit to keep our minds renewed to this truth. May we never try to live a life of freedom in our own ways and means but only by Your truth. We love You Lord, for you have truly set us free!