by Dona Hake
Today my patience with technology (a.k.a. my computer) is being tested, and at first I dealt with some frustration but I have made a decision to “soar” above this problem. As I am typing I am trusting the Lord for Him to help me recall this whole devotional that just disappeared. You see, a few minutes ago I had it completed and ready, and my computer got a bit testy and deleted the whole thing. No, this is not a big problem, but isn’t it stuff like this that can cause our day to be off to a bad start if we allow it to? I am reminded that no matter how big or small problems are, it is me that has to make the decision to rise above it, pull up my bootstraps and carry on.
So here we go…In the book of Isaiah, he wrote particular words of encouragement that would cause us to seek the Lord’s strength in times of storms that will occur in our life. Let us look at Isaiah 40.
Isaiah 40:31 The Voice
“But those who trust in the Eternal One will regain their strength.
They will soar on wings as eagles.
They will run—never winded, never weary.
They will walk—never tired, never faint.”
“But those who trust in the Eternal One will regain their strength.
They will soar on wings as eagles.
They will run—never winded, never weary.
They will walk—never tired, never faint.”
This scripture is very precious to my heart. Nothing is so majestic as seeing an eagle fly over you. I can remember photographing an eagle family watching over their eggs, and it was so awesome, but never did I see one soar in flight. One morning I was blessed to look up as I was driving because I saw an eagle soaring right high above my car. Oh how I desired to pull over and take the sight in as long as possible, but time did not permit me to do so.
I find it so interesting that Isaiah likened us to rise above the storms of life as the majestic eagle. He said, as we trust in the Lord our God we will regain the strength that the storm is trying to drain us of. Life does not have to make us feel winded, weary, and weak, but rather we can be infused with God’s strength to will rise above the storm. In those times that we truly do experience loss of strength and vigor for this life, we can turn to Him, and draw upon His strength and grace to continue on. Let us look more at the beautiful attributes of the eagle.
An eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it arrives. It will search out a high spot and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. He simply soars. He is above the storm, and the storm is beneath him. He is soaring, yet the storm is in progress. Interesting, isn’t it? We can learn from the eagle during the storms of our lives. We too can rise above them as we draw upon God. As we set our sights upward to Him, we can ride it out and sustained that we not grow weary. He will keep us that we can continue on, not grow tired and not faint.
There are two words I want to leave you with that are the secret of remaining in the “high places” of God. These words are ~abide~ and ~hide~. To abide is to stay, remain, DO NOT leave!!! Even as we are in the midst of our busy day, we can still be in that high place. Second, it is our hiding place! I am not speaking of “sticking you head in the sand” type of hiding place either! It is that place where no matter what is breaking loose around us, our peace needs not to be disturbed. We serve a God that has provided us an abiding and hiding place, and is well able to cause us to soar!!!
Psalm 91 (ERV)
“You can go to God Most High to hide.
You can go to God All-Powerful for protection.
I say to the Lord, “You are my place of safety, my fortress.
My God, I trust in you.”
God will save you from hidden dangers
and from deadly diseases.
You can go to him for protection.
He will cover you like a bird spreading its wings over its babies.
You can trust him to surround and protect you like a shield.”
“You can go to God Most High to hide.
You can go to God All-Powerful for protection.
I say to the Lord, “You are my place of safety, my fortress.
My God, I trust in you.”
God will save you from hidden dangers
and from deadly diseases.
You can go to him for protection.
He will cover you like a bird spreading its wings over its babies.
You can trust him to surround and protect you like a shield.”