by Dona Hake
Isaiah 9:6
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:
and the government shall be upon his shoulder:
and his name shall be called Wonderful…”
He is wonderful isn’t He? Let’s look at words synonymous to wonderful… awesome, wondrous, miraculous, prodigious, astonishing, amazing, astounding, phenomenal. This is the Jesus that we serve. As believers we can testify of the many wonderful things He has done in our lives, and we should never lose sight of those things.
We need to tell of His wonderful works when people ask why we carry such joy. I encourage you to ponder the many testimonies that you have witnessed in your life and just take time to give thanks to Jesus for He is so wonderful!!
Psalm 40:5 (ERV)
“Lord my God, you have done many amazing things!
You have made great plans for us—too many to list.
I could talk on and on about them,
because there are too many to count.”
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