by Dona Hake
To be quite honest I have always thought the jigsaw puzzles with one thousand pieces would be more of a headache to do rather than therapeutic! I commend anyone that loves to sit and put such grand puzzles together. Actually my speed is the kind my oldest granddaughter has…you know, the ones with twenty four pieces. It is so interesting to observe even in the smaller puzzles that some pieces look like they absolutely have to fit yet they do not.
Our words are like pieces to a grand puzzle. Sometimes we can feel that the words we are desiring to express will fit so well, yet when we speak them, it all seems wrong. I can remember a time in particular with my Granddaughter that she thought for sure a particular puzzle piece just had to fit, and she began to force it. Interesting analogy isn’t it?….we can feel we are right, and we begin to force our opinions and words.
God desires that our words bless, encourage, and produce. Today I want to share with you about how important it is that our words are to be spoken and fitting for the moment. You see, even a right word spoken in a wrong attitude or wrong time just does not fit nor does it help the hearer. I was studying over many translations of this scripture , and I found them all to be so enlightening.
Proverbs 25:11 (CJB)
“Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word appropriately spoken.
Proverbs 25:11 (ERV)
” Saying the right thing at the right time …”
Proverbs 25:11 (GNT) “An idea well-expressed…”
Proverbs 25:11 (TLB) “Timely advice is as lovely…”
Proverbs 25:11 (VOICE) “A well-spoken word at just the right moment…”
Today let us be reminded that timing has it’s perfect place when it comes to words. Right timing which is God’s timing will prompt us when and how to speak. Silence also has it’s place, so do not feel you are doing wrong when you are feeling prompted to just be silent even in those times your heart is speaking that you have the answer. May our words bless and be as apples of gold in settings of silver!