Devotional for Friday, September 9, 2016
“The Beauty of Entering Into Prayer”

by Dona Hake
For the past three days we have meditated upon the fruit of peace that only the Lord can give us. We have learned that as we sow peace we will enjoy a harvest of righteousness or conformity to His will and character. Yesterday I shared that as we press in with our faith during times of trials that the testing of our faith through experience will produce endurance leading to spiritual maturity, and inner peace.
There will be days in which we must remind ourselves to rejoice even when we do not feel like it. Today I just want you to meditate upon the simplicity of how peace comes so abundantly as we enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit during our day through prayer. He loves when we whisper prayers of thankfulness…you know those times that there is just something so simple yet it is worthy of acknowledging Him. Prayers can be spoken from your heart at any given time or place. This is God’s will for us to do so I encourage you today to talk to Him often! I leave you with this prayer that flows with what I have shared today.
Prayer is so simple.
It is like quietly opening a door and slipping into
the very presence of God
there, in the stillness,
to listen for His voice,
perhaps in petition
or only to listen,
it matters not,
just to be there,
in His presence
Is prayer.