Devotional for Wednesday, September 22, 2016
“Captivated With Him”

by Dona Hake
Today I want to stir you toward thinking about the rich goodness, and greatness of God. One day while on social media I read about a tragedy that had happened to an individual and one person’s comment was, “…and this is why I do not believe in God!” My heart was grieved as some people immediately place blame for bad things on our loving Heavenly Father. May we let it be know that our God is full of goodness and mercy, and He desires that all know Him to be a good God. The Psalmist exclaims in the scripture below that he is captivated with God’s majesty and glorious splendor! Let us read it…
Psalm 145:5-7 (The Voice)
“Your majesty and glorious splendor have captivated me;
I will meditate on Your wonders, sing songs of Your worth.
We confess—there is nothing greater than You, God, nothing mightier than Your awesome works.
I will tell of Your greatness as long as I have breath.
The news of Your rich goodness is no secret—
Your people love to recall it
and sing songs of joy to celebrate Your righteousness.”
I will meditate on Your wonders, sing songs of Your worth.
We confess—there is nothing greater than You, God, nothing mightier than Your awesome works.
I will tell of Your greatness as long as I have breath.
The news of Your rich goodness is no secret—
Your people love to recall it
and sing songs of joy to celebrate Your righteousness.”
The more we stay captivated with Him the more we will recall the works He has done for us and share it with those around us. We will be driven in our hearts to speak of His wonderful works. May we be blessed and thrilled that our God is captivated with us. His eyes are on us and He loves us so much. We are the apple of His eye! God was so captivated with us that He sent His only Son to die for us and redeem us from our sin. He loves us so much and just desires to pour forth all that He is that we live this life in abundance!
God, there is nothing greater than You! Your rich goodness is no secret, let us be mindful to proclaim it as we keep our hearts captivated with You and Your love!