Devotional for Friday, August 26, 2016
“There Is a Time For Everything”
by Dona Hake
Ecclesiastes 3:6-8
Amplified Bible
“A time to get and a time to lose,
Amplified Bible
“A time to get and a time to lose,
a time to keep and a time to cast away,
A time to rend and a time to sew,
A time to rend and a time to sew,
a time to keep silence and a time to speak,
A time to love and a time to hate,
A time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.”
This portion of scripture in Ecclesiastes reminds us that there is specific times for specific emotions and reactions to this life. I know God wants us to love at all times yet at the same time we hate the evil of the enemy that is in the earth today. This is a time in which we see war both natural and spiritual going on all around us yet we are able to carry peace in our hearts with the help of the Lord. In this time in which we are seeing so much turmoil, let us be reminded that Jesus left something behind for us, and it was not because He forgot to take it with Him. He left it on purpose, and it was His peace. He well understood the time in which we would live, and that we would need it to keep our hearts anchored.
John 14:27
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you…”
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you…”
There is so much going on in this world that could trouble our hearts. May we come to a place of purposing to keep our hearts anchored in His peace and hope. Sometimes I feel like there is too much going on all at the same time. I know many hearts are troubled and so is mine. People are bearing things that seem impossible to me, and my heart weeps for them.
Today my heart is heavy as I watch these poor people in Italy that have literally had their lives turned upside down from the horrible earthquake they just experienced. So much loss of life and sorrow as they are desperately looking for loved ones. So much sorrow as people are having to enter the rubble to identify the body of one that was taken without warning. Then there was the joy that flooded the hearts of rescue workers as they pulled a little girl out that was buried for eighteen hours. The poor little thing looked too stunned to even react to her rescue. Here within these rescuer’s hearts is so much sorrow, and then just like that joy floods their hearts as their efforts are rewarded by saving a life. May we be reminded to keep these precious people in our prayers.
Let us be reminded that the time to pray has no set time but as the Lord leads and directs us to. We just need to be obedient when He does call us to pray. Let us always strive to calm ourselves and hold fast to His peace no matter what time we are in. Now is the time to live for Him. God bless you.