Devotional for Tuesday, August 2, 2016
“The Soul That Clings To Him”
by Dona Hake
Psalm 63:8 (VOICE)
” My soul clings to You;
Your right hand reaches down and holds me up.”
” My soul clings to You;
Your right hand reaches down and holds me up.”
Today let us ponder about the many times that we request that the Lord’s hand be upon us. You know that as we live in that place of staying in His presence, we can rest assured that He will hold us up and sustain us at all times. May we thank Him today for His wonderful ways and how He leads us and guides us whether we are walking in good times or bad. May we expectantly meet Him each day knowing that His hand is upon our life.
So how does His loving hand work so mightily in our lives? There are days that we may feel His loving hand give us the push we need and it is called courage. Sometimes we may feel Him tugging at our heart because we are about to miss something that is important mainly because we are preoccupied with something else. Sometimes we may feel His loving hand holding us back and keeping us from taking a step forward in the wrong direction. I especially love when I can almost sense His hand across my mouth so I do not speak words that would offend or hurt others. His loving and caring hand in our life is so sweet.
I hope you too are looking for His loving hand at work in your life! Live in the expectancy of it and He will always meet you where you are and uphold you as you cling to Him.