Devotional for Thursday, July 21, 2016
“Jesus – The Restorer of My Soul”
by Dona Hake
Jesus wants to be so many things to us. He is the Great Potter that works with His loving hands to mold and make us that we can serve Him and do His will. Unfortunately this life can bring hurt and devastation to our souls, and it can seem as if our life is broken into many pieces. Today, we will reflect upon the fact that He desires to restore our soul. He desires to take the broken pieces of our life and lovingly heal and bring our soul back to being whole again.
In order for us to regenerate our bodies one of the most important things is proper rest. So it is in our soul…we must have rest there in order to have strong and healthy souls. Many times in this life we may walk through circumstances that just seem to tear our hearts apart. These things can leave our hearts broken, and in a state of unrest. What a helpless feeling it can be when you feel as if you do not even know how to pick up the pieces and start over again. When you are tired and weary in your body it is so hard to focus upon that which you are to do. So it is with our souls. A tired weary soul will not flourish in faith but will rather be a life of struggle. May we lie down in His green pastures and permit Him to restore our souls that we may once again flourish.
Know this, Jesus is able to restore our soul. He is able to strengthen our heart, and heal the hurts that we may bear. Today, if you feel as if your heart is broken and your life is in a shambles, look to Him…Jesus, the One who is able to be the Restorer of your soul.
Psalm 23:3
Amplified Bible (AMP)
“He refreshes and restores my life (my self)”