I can remember hearing a US Senator being interviewed on the news. The subject was on the mud slinging of the recent campaigns and truth that was being twisted. As this Senator was being interviewed the subject of people just needing to just be honest and real. The Senator exclaimed at one point, “Don’t fit in…just be you!!!” I just loved this because there is so much truth in this statement. God made us all very special and unique. We are called for a specific purpose, yet we can fall prey to what the world and others say we should be or what we should be doing. May we seek to keep our minds renewed to the truth of who we really are in Christ!
Sometimes people can feel frustrated because they really do not know who they are or what their purpose it. As believers, our identity absolutely needs to be in the Lord Jesus Christ. May we ever be reminded that all that we are and all that we do is only by the grace of God in our lives. It is Him that has begun a wonderful work in us, and as we remain humble He will mold and make us vessels that are wonderfully used by Him.
God has a perfect will for each of us and He treasures when we seek to know it. I believe He loves when we seek Him in the little details as well as the big ones. I wonder if we could ever comprehend how much it delights God’s heart when we seek Him in all things that pertain to life and godliness.
It is a wonderful thing to have direction in our life but even more important we need to know that we are always renewing our minds to the Word and will of our Lord, therefore being transformed! Today I encourage you to seek to be transformed and renewed in your mind on a daily basis. The world has such a strong current that serves to pull and tug at our hearts. The devil loves nothing more than to see us being side tracked or walking on the proverbial fence. God desires that our lives are proving out what the His perfect will is for us. Let us make it a practice to renew our minds and be refreshed by the Word of God. It is then that we will walk in that which is good and acceptable unto Him.