Devotional for Friday, June 24, 2016
“It’s That Simple…”

by Dona Hake
It is quite common that people do not like things around them to change too much. I have heard it said that sixty-seven percent of our population hates change. Maybe you are in that sixty-seven percent, and even if you are, you can rest assured that our Lord never changes!!!
David in the Psalms in Chapter twenty-three wrote that He leads us by still waters, and causes us to lie down in green pastures. Let us take one day at a time as we serve Him knowing that He promised to take care of our every need. Today I want to encourage your heart to remember that Jesus never, ever changes, and He can always be depended upon. We need not fear change, for our God will be with us.
Aren’t you thankful that Jesus never changes? His love never changes for us. No matter how bad we mess up He still loves us. If we fall, He promises to reach out His loving hand and pick us up…but let us remember that we must reach out and ask for His help. His mercies are new every morning, His faithfulness endures, His forgiveness is always there. Just a few beautiful things about our Lord that never changes.
I am glad that He never changes positions… He is always by our side and we can count on that. His ear is always towards us when we pray, He has never failed to be there for us with a listening ear. In His Word it says that He NEVER fails, that fact will never change. On and on I could go but it’s just that simple… Jesus never changes. He is not capable of it!
I hope this stirs you to think about the concrete fact that He is faithful and there is no changing in Him. The world may change and we all well know that it does. There may be things that are changing and it is beyond our control to make it the way it was. But take comfort in the fact that the God of the Universe NEVER changes…it’s that simple.
Hebrews 13:8 (TLB)
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. “