“No other god is like you.
We’re safer with you
than on a high mountain.”
As we look to Him as our Rock, we no longer stand in places that shake or can be moved but we can stand on that which brings us strength and security. I loved the one definition of rock that I found. It said to be lulled in security and hope. When one is lulled they are soothed and quieted. I could not help but to think of times when my sons were little and they would come and just be comforted as I held them tightly and prayed over them. We too can run to Him in those times that we are shaken and our soul will be quieted. As we sit at His feet we can be assured that He will calm us from our anxieties and strengthen the faith in our heart. Thank Him today that He is able to hold you and keep you, for He is the God that is seated in High Places that are secure and never moved!
Amplified Bible
“Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him…”