Devotional for Tuesday, May 31, 2016
“Keep Your Eyes Fixed On Him”

by Dona Hake
This is an image of my sweet Aasha watching my Granddaughters or may I say she has her eyes fixed on them. She is amazing how she watches and studies everything around her. She misses not one thing, and yes she speaks a lot with those beautiful, brown, soulful eyes! I can remember a few years ago while I was also tending my son and daughter in law’s two dogs. Having three fur babies to care for can be a bit challenging but I love it. I thought I had completed their feedings so I went to make my own breakfast.
I was finally sitting down to eat my oatmeal and coffee, and Aasha quietly laid on the chair and just kept her gaze on me. I thought it strange because she usually heads into the bedroom to sleep right after she has her run in the yard. I finished eating, and was cleaning up, and I turned around to find her positioning herself that I could not walk around her. She sat there and lovingly stared into my eyes. She was determined not to get out of my way until I got her quiet message. I said, “Aasha what’s wrong?” Her eyes spoke loud and clear! “You forgot to feed me!” Oh my gosh…here she was trying to tell me something, and I was not getting it. I felt so bad when I realized that I had fed everyone but her. The poor thing was not going to give up, and her strategy was to stay in my presence, and stare me down till I realized she had not eaten yet!
How many times do we have needs, and we get impatient with the Lord, and just walk away from His presence, and get into our own ability. Oh how important it is that we just stay in the Lord’s presence, and keep our eyes fixed on Him, and remained positioned to receive because He is our provision, and all of our needs are met by Him. Thank God He never forgets us! Today I encourage you to set your gaze upon Him, and do not look to anything but Him for each and every need you have.
“O God, my heart is fixed (steadfast, in the confidence of faith)…”
Psalm 108:1
“He shall not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is firmly fixed, trusting (leaning on and being confident) in the Lord.”
Psalm 112:7