Devotional for Saturday, May 21, 2016
“Forgiveness and It’s Power”

Matthew 18:21-22
The Voice
Peter:” Lord, when someone has sinned against me,
how many times ought I forgive him?
Once? Twice? As many as seven times?”
Jesus: “You must forgive not seven times, but seventy times seven.”
Jesus: “You must forgive not seven times, but seventy times seven.”
Today I want to share with you about the power of us giving forgiveness to those that have hurt or offended us. When we are on the side of hurt and offense it can be so hard to let it go, yet the Lord commands us to do so. The Lord desires that we love His Word and within His Word are commands which are blueprints for our lives. He has granted us the grace to live this life as we ask Him for that grace. Within His all sufficient grace is the ability to go beyond our human abilities. His grace and strength causes us to rise above what we are feeling within our emotions, and it causes us to get the victory over the raging thoughts that serve to pull us away from His perfect will.
Many times we are just like Peter. We want to feel as if we are so full of love, but you see our love has limitations. We all have our limits. God’s love has NO limitations. Today I encourage you to draw upon the love of the God in the midst of your day. Know that if you are that God desires you to draw upon His heart that you can freely forgive as many times as you have to. Continue to draw on and grow in God’s love that you may be able to freely give that which He has given you. Coupled with His promises and His commands are His grace, wisdom and ability to do that which He asks. Let us release our faith and do His Word!!!!
“Love is a fruit in season at all times, and
within the reach of every hand.”
Mother Teresa