Devotional for Monday, March 28, 2016
“God Lifts Up the Humble Heart”

by Dona Hake
Sometimes it can be the hardest thing in the world to say “I am sorry, please forgive me.” I can remember hearing a woman sharing her testimony of humbling herself in her workplace. She realized she had been offensive to her coworkers. She admitted that she knew she was wrong, and she knew the right thing to do. Even though it was hard she walked into her bosses office, and admitted she was wrong. The thing that hit me the hardest was the joy that was in her voice as she tried to explain how good it felt to just humble herself. Sometimes humbling ourselves can really make our flesh squirm, but the end result is pure joy and freedom.
When I think of the word HUMILITY, the thing that comes to my mind is that there is cost and there is blessing in the obedience of striving to be humble in all circumstances. Depending on the situation the cost may be admitting to someone that you were wrong. Sometimes the cost is keeping your opinion to yourself, and not exalting it when you are busting at the seams to just tell someone what you think. The blessing of humility is that peace has been restored to your soul, and this is worth it all! A very important thing to cling to is knowing that God is able to help us when we remain humble, for His hands are tied with the proud man. He can do no work in the heart that resists Him.
1 Peter 5:5 (CEV)
“God opposes proud people,
but he helps everyone
who is humble.”
There will be times that the Lord will show us areas of our hearts in which we need to humble ourselves. Pride is such an enemy to our soul and it is a destructive thing. Let us seek Him as to how we continue to grow in humility and receive His grace as we do so. Let us praise the God that promises to be our help as we remain humble in His sight.