1 Chronicles 29:19
“…and give to my son Solomon a perfect heart to keep Your commandments, Your testimonies, and Your statutes, and to do all that is necessary to build the temple for You, for which I have made provision.”
“…and give to my son Solomon a perfect heart to keep Your commandments, Your testimonies, and Your statutes, and to do all that is necessary to build the temple for You, for which I have made provision.”
Today I share a prayer with you from David. He prayed this prayer over his son Solomon, he desired that his son would have a perfect heart to keep God’s commandments, His testimonies and His statutes. I believe this is such a perfect scripture to meditate upon for ourselves and we too can pray over our own hearts. God desires that our hearts be perfect and desiring to keep His statutes.
I want you to think about this prayer in light of how this world can distract us so very easily. As we begin to pray for a perfect heart we are asking God that our heart be right before Him, and our mind be undivided and whole. The devil loves nothing more than to take the smallest of things and cause our minds to begin to wander and worry. It is those little foxes that will always spoil the vine. Many times our peace is lost, and then our focus is gone. We may start our day out purposing to serve our loving God with our whole heart but we need be vigilant. We need to stay mindful to see the importance of guarding every minute of our day that the devil does not try to trick us into thinking or doing things that are unacceptable in the eyes of the Lord.
Lord we ask you this day to help us to serve you with a perfect and willing heart. We trust that your Holy Spirit will come alongside of us and lead, guide and direct our every decision, and every path. We know that wisdom can see what we cannot see with our natural eyes so we trust you for Your wisdom over every matter of our day. In Jesus Name, amen!