Devotional for Thursday, December 8, 2016
“My Soul Will Sing Praise”
It was on my heart to share a bit differently with you today. Yesterday a dear friend of mine shared something on Facebook, and it was so touching and powerful. I have known her for many years, and I had the blessing and joy to photograph her wedding. I also have seen her walk through some very difficult storms. Several years ago I stood with her at the casket of her younger sister. It was only weeks before her death that Amber’s sister and I were out buying a new camera together. She shared her dreams with me and desired for me to mentor her in photography. And there I stood with Amber seeing this young woman’s life ended in such a tragic way. It was one of the most painful things I have ever walked through watching a family lose their precious loved one like this. Now Amber faces the challenge of dealing with Autism in her youngest daughter.
Today I am sharing with you Amber’s post from yesterday. This young woman’s strength and leaning on the Lord has been a powerful testimony to many. Every time she shares with me I feel more challenged in my faith. I pray this will bless you as it blessed me. With Amber’s permission and blessing I share with you her precious words:
“It’s really hard to believe it has almost been a year since this moment. One of the hardest times of my life feeling so helpless to help my child. I didn’t realize how much those fifteen days in the hospital over the holidays affected my heart until the Christmas music came on and a lump started rising up in my throat. Getting emotional over Christmas music isn’t me. I love Christmas. It’s my favorite time of year but I found this year that the loss of my sister around Christmas and the hardship of enduring Christmas with Riley’s special needs has made this holiday hard for me.
Revisiting the Ronald McDonald house last week brought back the old familiar feelings of feeling so lonely there last Christmas and wanting to be at home. And this year taking Autism head on and loving Riley where she is at, I realized I can’t shop for her the same way I would for any other four year old. I’ve had to shop for her at the pet store. Many tears shed but I realize the reason this year has been so dark for me is because I have been grieving over what isn’t and focusing on what hasn’t happened and looking at my pain instead of how far I’ve come.

Little Riley in her hospital bed after her surgery.
I took my eyes briefly off the One who has been holding me through all this. That is what this season is about, celebrating the One who gave all, who is Jesus. And if there is one thing I have learned from the losses I have endured and the hardships of having a child with special needs it is to not take things for granted, be thankful for the little things and realize that life is not about stuff, doing things “for” your kids, planning and trying to fit everything into a nice neat box, but it is being present in relationships, enjoying every moment unscripted, and going with the flow and learning to enjoy life in the midst of things.
I went from being an organized, have it all together Pinterest mom to letting go of control and learning to love people where they are at and being more present in everyday moments. It shouldn’t take hardship and tragedy for us to learn these things but for me I am glad that God has changed me. I don’t want to wait until everything is perfect and all my goals are achieved to start enjoying life.
Christmas might look different for us this year, but change is ok. I now know that hosting dinners and shopping for gifts pale in comparison to holding my loved ones close and giving thanks that I still have them. And it’s also about getting my eyes off of us and our problems and giving. For many people the holidays are hard. So give back, to those in need, especially to those who are lonely and grieving, and hold your loved ones close and don’t let the hustle bustle of the season keep you from seeing what is right in front of you.
” Amber Snyder
I shared with Amber that we will be standing with her and her family that Riley will be totally healed. I know she would appreciate your continued prayers, so I encourage you to do so. You know my friends, when I read things like this it reminds me to keep life in perspective as to what is really important. Especially at this time of the year I see way too many people getting anxious over having to have things perfect. For some people things may never be perfect for their losses bring unbearable pain to them especially over the holidays.
I encourage you to day to walk as close to Jesus as you know how. Believe for opportunities to reach out and be a blessing to a heart that may be hurting, and may your soul sing praise to Him. God bless you.