Devotional for Tuesday, November 8, 2016
“Quiet Rest For Our Souls”

by Dona Hake
Matthew 11:28-29 (AMP)
“ Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.”
I love how Jesus spoke here and said, “I will cause you to rest.” Cause defined is when something is brought about. I love that our Lord can bring about that which we need in our souls when we are lacking something. Today let us meditate upon the fact that the Lord desires to bring our souls to rest. This scripture tells us how Jesus understood the nature of man and man’s temptation to do more than what he was created for. I think the biggest mistake we can make is to rely on our own ability and strength to accomplish things. We in turn are capable of overworking our minds and bodies in a way that we were not made to do.
In verse twenty eight Jesus was giving an invitation to the overburdened and weary. He spoke of relieving and refreshing our souls if only we go to Him, and lay our burdens down. It reminds me of Psalm twenty three where the psalmist said in the very beginning “He makes me to lay down in green pastures” and “He leads me beside the still waters.” The first step in the right direction when weariness hits our soul is to to go to Him. Yes, simply GO to Him. Do not turn to your own means of rest and peace. Jesus proceeds to tell us to take His yoke.
Farmers used to yoke the young ox with the old experienced ox to train them. The old ox will take the major load, and the young one would walk along and learn from him. If you read this verses in light of this, it brings so much light to the scripture. As we walk along side of Jesus, and learn of Him, things will go so much better for us. I think it is important to note that Jesus made a point to say immediately that He was gentle (meek) and humble(lowly) in heart. The opposite of these two things is the pride of man. So many times we resist God in some areas, and attempt to do things our way. We can not claim to have Jesus walking along side of us, and insist on doing things our way, and in our own ability.
Jesus wants us to truly submit to His way and His Word. Jesus set us free from the bondages of this world. If you are under the yoke of sin, guilt, failures, anxieties or worry you need to consider humbly giving your burden to Him. Jesus has set us free from that weight that we are trying to carry. Walk with Him today. I encourage you to ask yourself if you are carrying anything in your life that has become a burden. If you are, please consider the words of this devotional and humbly lay your burdens at His feet.