Devotional for Friday, November 4, 2016
“Drenched and Permeated In His Peace”

by Dona Hake
Have you ever gotten caught in the rain without an umbrella? I can remember a few times that I was drenched from head to toe. Today I want us to meditate upon the power of being drenched and permeated in the peace of our Lord. Are you drenched and permeated in His peace? These two words bring the idea of being soaked with His peace and then it penetrates our soul and your mind. I believe it would do us good to keep a very close watch on that peace that promises to guard our hearts and minds. I think of those days that one thing after another seems to try and rob us of our precious peace that we possess in Jesus. Sometimes our peace can be threatened even with the everyday dealings and responsibilities a day can bring. Today we are going to meditate on growing in this…. no matter what or how many things we encounter …we are NOT going to permit our peace to be weakened by anything. Let us hold fast and stay drenched and permeated in His wonderful peace.
Let me start out with sharing about the power of being permeated. This word “permeate” is one I love to use because it gives me a visual every time I say it. It means to pass into or through every part of something to be diffused through, pervade or saturate.
Quite honestly I do not understand how anyone can live without God’s peace permeating their heart and mind. I see at times when believers just kind of get used to flying by the seat of their pants with their own composure and strength. That may get us through occasionally but it will never sustain us like God’s peace can. God wants to give us His ALL because He gave His ALL when He gave His only Son for us. He does not want to see us short changed in any way spiritually . He desires us to posses His peace!
I encourage you to ask Him for His peace, and then hold fast to it! Think about how precious that peace is that passes, pervades, and saturates our total being. God is so good.
“You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You,
and hopes confidently in You.” Isaiah 26:3