Devotional for Wednesday, November 30, 2016
“Seize Your Moment”

by Dona Hake
“Lose not yourself in a far off time,
seize the moment that is thine.”
Friedrich Schiller
I love this quote so much because I love the truth of seizing the moment in which I live. The longer I am here on this beautiful earth the more I can see how fast time goes by. I can hardly believe that we are about to see another year go by. Where did the time go? I am sure many of you are asking yourself that same question.
Many times the future can be a cause for fear and worry. Praise God that we serve a wonderful Heavenly Father that has promised to give us that which we need to live each day, and for every moment that we are here. God does not want us to worry about our future, but rather He wants us to place our faith in Him.
Today I encourage you to seize the moment that you are in right now. It is as we seize the moment we are living in that we will not miss God given opportunities that are sent our way. I believe the Lord desires that we take thorough account of how we spend our time, that we may use every moment to accomplish wonderful things for Him!
Let us be careful that we not permit ourselves to become anxious in our hearts about our future, or our joy will slowly diminish. As we stay in the presence of the Lord and continue in faith, our joy will be full. As we stay before Him we will walk in His peace, therefore there will be many opportunities that we can recognize that are of Him, and we can seize them with great joy in our hearts! I’ll leave you with the scripture to meditate upon, and I pray that this Word has blessed your heart today. Remember, do not lose yourself in the future by fearing what is ahead but rather seize the moment that you are blessed with right now.
Philippians 4:4-7
Always be filled with joy in the Lord.
I will say it again. Be filled with joy.
Let everyone see that you are gentle and kind.
The Lord is coming soon.
Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God
for everything you need, always giving thanks
for what you have. And because you belong to
Christ Jesus, God’s peace will stand guard over
all your thoughts and feelings. His peace
can do this far better than our human minds.