Proverbs 30:5 Expanded Bible
·He guards those [ They are a shield to those] who come to
him for ·safety [refuge].
God’s Word is flawless. God’s Word is true, and God’s Word must be our necessary food! Yesterday we meditated upon the Lord giving us our daily Bread as we ask Him for it. Oh let us praise Him as He so faithfully brings us the provision that we need to serve Him! Today let us meditate on the truth that God’s Word is a shield to us.
We need not try to analyze it, we need only to believe it. He promises that His Word is a shield to those that place their trust in Him. In our day of battle we are promised that His Word will shield us and keep us. It is in those times when the fiery darts of the enemy come to penetrate our soul that the Word of God that we believe and speak will be a protection, a refuge, and we will walk in victory. Jesus stressed the importance and the blessing of living by the truth.
John 8:31-32 (PHILLIPS)
“If you are faithful to what I have said,
you are truly my disciples. And you will
know the truth and the truth will set you free!”
Oh that we would be diligent to know His Word that we may be free in every area of our lives. Let us never add or subtract from His Word either.