Devotional for Monday, November 14, 2016
“His Perfect Love Dispels All Fear!”

by Dona Hake
Let us meditate and confess the truth that God’s perfect love will always cast out fear! There will be times that fear will try to strike at our hearts, and we can be tempted to be shaken. May we stop in those moments, and remember that Jesus has promised to never leave us or forsake us. He has promised that He can cause our souls to lie down in green pastures, and sooth our restless souls. In the reading of the Psalms you can find David speak to his own disquieted and anxious soul. He always would end with the words “My hope is in God!” As we quiet ourselves in His presence, and remember our hope, we begin to receive the instruction of what we need to do, and in His time we see the manifestation of our prayers. Sometimes after we get through circumstances we take a deep breath in the Spirit, and we may sometimes ask ourselves, ” Why was I so afraid? In light of this let us look at I John 4:18 from the Amplified version:
“There is no fear in love [dread does not exist],
but full-grown (complete,
perfect) love [a]turns fear out of doors
and expels every trace of terror! For
fear [b]brings with it the thought
fear [b]brings with it the thought
of punishment, and [so] he who is afraid
has not reached the full maturity of
has not reached the full maturity of
love [is not yet grown into love’s complete perfection].”
1 John 4:18
I would like to share this little story about my dog Aasha with you. I have shared this with you before but I will share it again. My Aasha just like many dogs just hates going to the vet. The poor thing gets herself all worked up over the whole ordeal. No matter how much we try to comfort her, she hates going to the vet. One time we took her when she was a bit younger, and she was quivering and shaking. It was so pitiful. With every bit of strength I had, I had to drag this 85 pound bundle of love and fur back into the doctor’s office. I had her there for a shot and a nail trim, but for her it was walking into the fear of the unknown!
There is one particular vet technician that was so calm, sweet and loving with her for she totally understands how to handle the German Shepherd breed. She sweetly calmed Aasha, and it wasn’t long that she was at peace. Aasha totally submitted to this woman yet she kept her eyes locked on me. All her fear seemed to leave as long as she could see me. My presence helped dispel her fears. After the exam, shots and nail trim, it was interesting observing her leaving the doctors office. She pranced out the door, and if she could have talked she probably would have exclaimed “Hey, that wasn’t so bad, when can we do this again?”
I want to refer back to the scripture in light of this little story. “Perfect love makes our fear leave and expels every trace of terror!” Next time fear knocks on the “door” of your heart try to remember to keep your eyes on Him and believe for Him to drive your fears away as you experience the power of His love, and presence making every trace of fear and terror leave you. Fear and torment must obey, and leave the premises of your mind and soul in Jesus Name. Today let us ponder the power of His perfect love.