Devotional for Saturday, November 12, 2016
“Walking On the Water With Jesus”

by Dona Hake
Yesterday I shared about the story in the Bible where Peter stepped out of the boat to walk on the water to walk to Jesus. I want to emphasize again for you to just think about the courage it must of taken him to get out of the boat. His question to the Lord was, “If that’s you, tell me to come.” and Jesus proclaimed that yes indeed it was Him. Many times we will ask the same question when we fear stepping out in something bigger than us in this life. God may be speaking to your heart to do something and your prayer has been “Lord if this is you, I will do it.”
It is very important to know that when we are purposing to do God’s will that we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is Him. Yet there can be those times that it seems a bit sketchy or too big for us to grasp how it is going to work out for the good. Getting out of our “boats” in this life could mean different things to each of us. All of us are at different growth levels and the Lord is molding and making each of us in His timing and in His perfect way. It is always important that we remember that the Lord requires our obedience to His Word and to His voice at all times.
Saying all that I have said, I want to remind you today that Jesus is the author and finisher of YOUR faith. He desires to perfect all that concerns you in this life. He is the one who gives you incentive for your faith and He is the one who completes your faith. He is your example and you must look to that example if you become weak in heart from the discouragement that may come to rob your soul of hope and purpose.
Hebrews 12:2 The Voice
“Now stay focused on Jesus, who designed
“Now stay focused on Jesus, who designed
and perfected our faith. He
endured the cross and ignored the
endured the cross and ignored the
shame of that death because He focused
on the joy that was set before Him;
on the joy that was set before Him;
and now He is seated beside God on the
throne, a place of honor.”
throne, a place of honor.”
Getting out of the boat for you may be God speaking to you about changing to a different job, going on a mission’s trip, sharing the Word of God with someone…etc. Sometimes getting out of the boat for someone may be the need for courage to face a confrontation. No matter what it is, Jesus is right there on the water with you. He has been there and done it, and He will complete that thing that you desire to set your faith upon.
Philippians 3:13 Easy-to-Read Version
“Brothers and sisters, I know that
“Brothers and sisters, I know that
I still have a long way to go. But there is
one thing I do: I forget what is in
one thing I do: I forget what is in
the past and try as hard as I can to reach
the goal before me.”
the goal before me.”
Maybe today is the day that you are planning to step out of the boat in an area of your life, and do something that you have never done before. If you know that in your heart, then it is time to STEP OUT!!!!! I encourage you to look to Jesus, and stay focused upon Him. Do not dwell on the past when you tried, and you were moved by the “wind and the waves” of this life. Jesus is there, and He will walk with you. God bless you as you walk with Him today!