Devotional for Tuesday, October 25, 2016
“Moving Closer To Him”

by Dona Hake
I would like to share with you a very precious experience I had the other morning. I love feeding birds on my deck, and I love when they sit in the trees and watch and wait for me to fill their feeders. I have so many different kinds of birds that visit my feeders, and it is so much fun to see them come and go. That morning I was opening the door to my deck, and I saw a little finch sitting on one of the water bowls I have for them to drink from. I thought for sure he would fly away, but instead he sat there and watched me. I calmly and quietly moved toward him and that precious little bird permitted me to get about six inches away from it’s little face as I spoke to it. It sat there and looked into my eyes, and then it flew away. I was so amazed that it trusted me to get that close to it. I felt so blessed to get that close to one of God’s sweet creations.
I have a book in which a woman shares her experiences as a bird lover, and her observations as she feeds them every day. I can remember her mentioning how they will sit in the trees and watch her and wait for her to fill her feeders. They knew her schedule, and her coming and going. She mentioned how certain ones would move closer to her just because she had gained their trust. It was so sweet how she mentioned in the book that there would be times that she would be at her feeders and she could just feel she was being watched! I too have that same experience especially with my cardinals. Because of their beautiful red vibrant color I can spot them sitting and watching me as they perch in my Willow trees.
As I was having my prayer time that morning, I was thinking about this experience of this little finch permitting me to get so close to him, and it caused me to meditate on how our trust in our loving God should continue to grow as we keep our eyes on Him, and trust Him with all of our hearts. Do you watch for Him to come close to you in your day? Do you wait expectantly for His provision in your life? We too need to learn to sit still and permit Him to come close and speak to our hearts. As we purpose to keep our focus on Him and watch him, and all the wonderful things He does for us, we will continue to grow in our trust and faith in Him. I pray this little story will encourage your heart to keep your eyes on Jesus, read His Word as much as you can, and permit Him to continue to draw close to you as you walk alongside Him in this life. God bless you!
James 4:8 (AMP)
“Come close to God [with a contrite heart]
and He will come close to you…”