Devotional for Saturday, October 22, 2016
“No, There Is Not One Thing Too Hard For Him!”

by Dona Hake
Let us meditate on how we see our Heavenly Father. I love to think of Him as my loving Father that is watching over me carefully and He also desires that I have my eye on Him. Today I want you to ponder in your heart the wonderful truth that there is not ONE thing too hard for Him, NO not ONE thing!! Sometimes we just need to step back and remind ourselves that no matter what we face in this life, God is greater and His power within is more than enough to carry us through the demands of our day or any difficulties.
Jeremiah 32:17 (VOICE) “Eternal Lord, with Your
outstretched arm and Your enormous power You
created the heavens and the earth. Nothing is too difficult for You.”
It is important that we recognize that we live in a day where our wonderful Living God is being discredited. There are those that are trying to convince us that God does not exist, and they are trying to explain away the wondrous things He created with His hands and the power of His spoken word. If they can convince themselves that God does not exist, they can live by their own standards and decide what is right and wrong for themselves.
We must not permit these evil mindsets to discourage our hearts because He is ready to do wonderful things through us like never before! He is the living God with big plans for us. Everyday as I pray for His provision in my life I call to my remembrance how He gave the children of of Israel manna from heaven to meet the need and sustain them. Let us look up to Him to meet our daily needs as we trust in Him too!
His Words says in Psalm 138:8 (KJV) “The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me,,,” Let us trust Him with our day and our lives. Remind yourself that there is NOTHING too hard for Him and He is well able to perfect ANYTHING in your life that is concerning you. Look to the God of all creation, the one who spoke words that created everything around you knowing that nothing is too difficult for Him as you place your life in His hands!