Devotional for Thursday, October 20, 2016
“Craving and Holding Fast To God’s Peace”

by Dona Hake
I adore working with and teaching small children. Nothing so refreshing as watching a child’s eyes light up when you share a spiritual truth with them, and you can see that it is hitting them and they understand it. I have learned and I continue to learn how to bring spiritual truths to little ones by way of parables. Jesus was our example in this for many times His disciples and those listening just did not get the heavy truth He was bringing to them. He would wisely then begin to share a earthly story with a heavenly meaning.
I can remember once when my oldest Granddaughter was sitting beside me on her sofa staring into my eyes as I was doing my best explaining how God wants us to make sure we hold fast to His peace. Children are like a fresh canvas or little sponges and they are ready to soak it all in. As we sat quietly talking about His peace, I began to share how God wants us to hold on to it so tightly, and not let it go. I started to think about helium balloons flying away if not held on to tightly enough. I said to her, “You know if it was your birthday, and you had a bunch of pretty balloons, you would want to hold onto them wouldn’t you?” Of course she nodded her little head, her eyes sparkled, and she had the sweetest little grin on her face. I said then, “If you went outside, and you were careless not to hold them tightly, what would happen if you let them go?” Immediately I could see she took hold of this little earthly story and brought a heavenly truth to her. I proceeded to explain how God wants us to hold tightly to His peace as well. The same way we would not let our special balloons get away from us, we should not allow our peace to get away either.
Today I encourage you to hold fast to His peace, seek it, crave it, and determine yourself that you will not let it go!
Psalm 34:14b Amplified Bible
“… seek, inquire for, and crave peace and
pursue (go after) it!”
“… seek, inquire for, and crave peace and
pursue (go after) it!”